Thursday, November 17, 2005

Surface Pyoderma

"Surface Pyoderma Surface pyoderma are bacterial infections confined to the surface of the skin. Two of the most common types are pyotraumatic dermatitis and skin fold dermatitis. Pyotraumatic dermatitis, (acute moist dermatitis -- more commonly known as 'hot spots') is typically located on the back near the tail, the outside thighs and the shoulder. Occasionally the neck and face are also involved. It is typified by localized itching, reddened skin patches and ulcerated oozing lesions. Longhaired breeds are more commonly affected, with a marked increase of incidence during warm weather. Contributing factors are allergies, parasites and poor grooming. Flea allergy dermatitis is one of the most common causes of 'hot spots'. Successful treatment depends on identifying and controlling the 'itch'. Short-term oral corticosteroid therapy can be used to control itching, while keeping the affected area clean. Topical therapy is optional. Skin fold pyoderma is associated with moisture and accumulation of debris. The environment in the crease of the fold is ideal for bacterial growth. Skin abrasion, lesions, hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation are commonly seen when itching has been a problem. The degree of skin damage varies with each type of skin fold; reddening of the skin, ulceration and oozing are common in most instances. Treatment is usually accomplished using a 2.5 to three percent benzoyl peroxide shampoo. Initial application should be daily, with eventual maintenance cleansing two to three times weekly. Systemic antibiotics are seldom needed. "--different kinds of pyoderma E.S.


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